Thursday, 30 August 2012

Calendar Art!

Room one were given options and criteria for their calendar art. They had to include all four seasons, separate the paper into four somehow, a tree and their art must be painted; the rest was up to them. Check out how they did!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Conscience Alley! Michelangelo

This drama convention is used to explore a situation where a character has an important decision to make. Room One's version focuses on part of our thinker keys reflections - should Michelangelo say no to the Pope? Or should he paint the Sistine Chapel? The students act as his inner thoughts and talk about the what could happen either way - One side of the alley is 'for' and the other 'against'.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Are you an early finisher?

If you are waiting to complete your art and have finished the rest of your artist study fill in this google docs form so I can see your thinking!

Saturday, 4 August 2012

New Olympic Mottos!

As part of their Olympic study, Room One students had a go a creating a new Olympic motto. The current one is "Citius, Altius, Fortius" which translates to "Faster, Higher, Braver". The students had to complete a T-chart of 'plus and minus' points about the existing motto, create a new motto and then explain why their motto would be more fitting to the Olympics today. Let us know what you think!

Go hard out - Adam
Higher, fast, stronger - Darron
Be brave and you will succeed your goals - Kye
Give it a go - Abby
Keep going and try your hardest - Zara
Go braver, go stronger, go hard - Dakota
Take risks, you can do it - Monika
Bigger, stronger, longer, faster - Tom
Bigger, better, faster, stronger - Olivia J
Be brave and you will succeed - Cole
Be strong, be brave, don’t go wrong - Abbie
Be brave, be strong - Jacinta
Sleep, train, do - Jackson
Faster, braver, stronger - Luci
I will say it loud, I will say it proud, I’ve made it up to here - Nikisha
Harder, stronger higher - John
Give life a try - Jake
Conquer your fears - Hendrix
Strive for success - Kylie
If you lose still be proud - Zaria
Reach higher and conquer the worst - Ryan
Keep trying and you’ll get it - Chloe T
Be proud not down - Chloe M
Go hard or go home - Guy
Higher, faster, braver - Hinemoa
Stronger, fitter, braver - Jessie
Stronger, faster, higher - Lucia