Celebrating Our Learning

This page is a showcase of Room Ones' achievements, successes and of course our current learning. All learning should have an audience and be celebrated, and what better place to exhibit what we are doing, beyond the confines of our four walls, than on the world wide web!

As part of our Italian Unit we have had a brief look at mosaics. The students had to create a 'shield' with a simple picture inside! They are so lovely and I am really impressed at the speed that they were completed. Well done Room One! Here are Miss Gardner's picks....

Olympic T-Shirts!
One of the homework tasks in week one was to design a new New Zealand Olympic team t-shirt. Here are Miss Gardner's picks....
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs!
Mrs Cooper did some awesome bug art with Room One and the display looks fantastic. I was blown away when I came back to school, but wouldn't expect anything less from Room One!!!!!! Here are Miss Gardner's picks....
Wanted Poster!
Check out how we kicked started our research and investigations into the bugs found in New Zealand. Everyone was given a different bug to research and had to do an observational drawing of it. Here are Miss Gardner's picks....
Observational Drawing!
These were done with Mrs Pahl as a way of introducing Room One students to the techniques of observational drawing - drawing exactly what you see, getting every detail you can and getting proportions/ sizing correct! This has really helped us when it came to doing observational drawing of our bugs! (more to come on this). Here are Miss Gardner's picks....

As part of our display about our descriptive writing (weather) we decided to draw some weather pictures! We first brainstormed what types of weather there is around the world and then drafted/ published a small picture. Here are Miss Gardner's picks...

And hers's what the finished display looks like....
These look so awesome! What a cool activity Room One got to experience and some even tried them at home! Here are Miss Gardner's picks...

How to....
Room One experimented with writing a 'how to' regarding a skill they have. They had to test it on class mates to ensure that their procedures were simple and easy to follow. Next term, we are aiming to try these out on our new buddy classes!!!! Here are Miss Gardner's picks J

Gruesome Recipes
Room One has been learning all about procedural writing and we thought we would kick of the unit with some fun, very gross writing! We learnt that a procedures has a title, purpose, materials, steps and a conclusion. Look how well we did for our very first try! If you would like to see more, pop into Room One and check out the book we made. Here are Miss Gardner's picks J

Bio Poems
These were originally for our Kiwi mascot as the feathers, but as this is still a work in progress we are just displaying them as 'flags' in the classroom. Here is Miss Gardner's picks J

Survivor! - Procedures and Recounts
Students of Room One got the choice of either writing a recount of their favourite part of survivor (or a summary of the whole camp) or writing a procedure for something they did. The students were able to present their work in any way they wanted to. The aim and purpose was to reflect on their experience and inform those who could not make it what it was like to be a survivor! Check out the wall by our classroom (coming in from the office) for all our work. Here is Miss Gardners' picks for work of the week:

The Best Part of Me!
During week three, Room One did their first writing sample based on their favorite body part. This creative writing meant the the students had to examine why this body part was so special to them and what it helped them to do! They took very creative photos of these parts and they were printed in black and white. As a note: all published writing shows where the students are currently at, spelling mistakes and all! This is so they can check out how far they have come later on in the year.


  1. Awesome camp writing Room 1 - love your illustrations Kye! Next time Im at school Im going to come and read them all. Wasn't camp just the best. Whens the next log fight?

  2. I loved yours Guy very creative.
