Friday, 4 May 2012

First Thoughts Writing Journal

Room One has made huge leaps and bounds in the last two weeks in their descriptive writing! Watch out Puffin awards Room One is going to take you by storm! This week we spent of journal writing time describing the weather. Today we had to write two high quality sentences, in which we had to 'show not tell' what was happening and then we conferenced with Miss Gardner to clarify our thinking. We had 'banned' words - can you figure out what they are? Here are some that have already been published ... there are more to come, so keep an eye out!
The bright light in the sky caught my eye because it is enormous. It’s like a fire galloping across my face.
By Olivia D

I can feel the burning air brushing against my face while I jog through the school.
By Jacinta

The sea blue sky is crystal clear.
By Chloe M

I increased the chilly clear air coming in as I slowly unfolded my cosy layers of wavy darkness.
By John

Outside it felt like I was in lava. The breeze felt chilly on my skin but the heat nearly burnt me. I was melting in my spot. I felt like a fish out of water.
By Hendrix

The early morning air hit my face as I slowly step out into the chilly world. The horizon had just unravelled. I steer up at the crystal clear sky, something caught the corner of my eye, I blink furiously as the bright light blinds my eyes.  
By Kylie

As the boiling light rips my flesh open I start to dehydrate so quickly it’s not funny. It’s so amazing. The crystal clear sky means I can see all 1,199,993,489,801 stars and all 1,000,000 satellites.
By Tom


  1. Wow amazing writing - move over Roahl Dahl, Paul Jennings. I really like the descriptive words they paint a picture in my mind. I can't wait to see what you write for puffin competition. billie

  2. Tom, I really liked your descriptive, it made me smile.

    Jennifer (Monika's mum)

  3. I love yours hendrix very creative keep it up!
