Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Room One Update!

Feels like forever since we have had an update! I am very excited about our upcoming assembly - week eight! We are going to have a range of learning to exhibit!
Next week is the small school cross country - it is for all Year Four to Sixes. It should be another fabulous  day like our school's cross country. I am really excited as I have never been to Whakamaramara before!
Another exciting thing coming up for Room One is 'Quad Blogging'. We are in the processes of connecting with three other schools from around the World. Each week three schools will focus on the fourth school's blog - making various comments and suggestions on the work on there! This is going to be great, especially when the Olympics begin.
Check out the celebrating our learning page to see some of our recent successes!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Term term learning focus for parents!

If you were unable to make Wednesday's parent information night, here is the key note presentation I gave. If you would like any more information or clarification please make a time to see me - I am always happy to talk to you! 

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Want to comment on our work?

It's easy! No need to sign up!
Click the 'comment' link, type into the 'post of comment' box and in the 'comment as' drop list select name/url - just add your name and click publish. We would love to hear your feedback on our work and ways we could improve :) Happy commenting!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

More First Thoughts!

I squinted as the dazzling brightness blinded me. The heat felt like I had burnt my hand on a frying pan.
By Olivia J

I accidently fell out of my nice toasty woolly waves onto the Antarctic like floor. I quickly jump up but now as the sky clears it’s like crystal with a ball of flame. It’s like it never existed.
By Zaria

The blazing fire ball shone down on the beautiful flowers while the giant sheep flew in the sky. The flowers grew and the bees buzzed and the sky is blue.
By Kye

I look into a crystal clear sky. The flag is not moving an inch as there is no breeze. I squint trying to look at the big flame ball up in the sky which is as big as the whole universe.
By Guy

It’s kind of chilly like there is still a little frost in the air. I can’t see the person next to me and it is the hottest day in the world. Today was so bright I was getting blinded by the light.
By Monika

In the icy morning I tried to get out of my warm, cosy bed. I take one step and I am freezing all over my body.
By Abby M

An icy breeze flows down my spine and it’s telling me that Winter is coming. I can see the trees swaying as the breeze pushes them.
By Luci

My lower limbs were frozen when I unravelled out of the warmness that I was comfortably in. I panted and my bones were aching.
By Chloe T

This morning is a very bright morning and there is no white in the sky. It is pure blue absolutely beautiful. I feel as if it is a great day to run around outside or do the cross country. I can hear the traffic.
By Jackson

It is extremely bright. There are some white things in the sky. There’s not a sound around and there’s a slight breeze.
By Adam

Sounds of the birds chirping in a cave of icicles. I felt the breath of the breeze on my shoulders and it made me wander if anything fascinating was behind me?
By Dakota

I faced my head up. The firery blur burning through the sky makes me force my eyes away. The sound of angry lions zooming past made a shiver go down my spine.
By Ryan

The rays of warm light makes my face feel like it’s in an oven and makes it burn. I can see the green branches smothered in leaves. They are as still as a statue and there are light green leaves, dark green leaves and faded green leaves.
By Cole

The icy breeze was brushing through my hair, it was like I had gone to Antarctica and summer had just gone. The gleaming, blowing bright light was now desert temperature. It was the only thing in site, the sky was crystal clear.
By Jessie

I was so disappointed that I had to unravel from my cosy, magnificent bed. I was so surprised that this dawn I had amazingly spotted a little rosy candy floss in the sky.
By Nikisha

I was sitting there and a ball of fire was blinding my beautiful eyes. Blood was rushing to my head.
By Abbie D

I’m blinded when I start shifting y lower limbs. I am ecstatically leaking. 
By Zara

I can see the beautiful blue sky. I can see the bright sun blinding me in my eyes. I can feel the breeze coming and going on my skin. I can smell the sap on the tree.
By Hinemoa

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep as my alarm went off. I slopped out of bed, All of a sudden my legs turned to popsicles. They were all cracked and I had to go wake up the fowl beast.
By Jake 

Friday, 4 May 2012

First Thoughts Writing Journal

Room One has made huge leaps and bounds in the last two weeks in their descriptive writing! Watch out Puffin awards Room One is going to take you by storm! This week we spent of journal writing time describing the weather. Today we had to write two high quality sentences, in which we had to 'show not tell' what was happening and then we conferenced with Miss Gardner to clarify our thinking. We had 'banned' words - can you figure out what they are? Here are some that have already been published ... there are more to come, so keep an eye out!
The bright light in the sky caught my eye because it is enormous. It’s like a fire galloping across my face.
By Olivia D

I can feel the burning air brushing against my face while I jog through the school.
By Jacinta

The sea blue sky is crystal clear.
By Chloe M

I increased the chilly clear air coming in as I slowly unfolded my cosy layers of wavy darkness.
By John

Outside it felt like I was in lava. The breeze felt chilly on my skin but the heat nearly burnt me. I was melting in my spot. I felt like a fish out of water.
By Hendrix

The early morning air hit my face as I slowly step out into the chilly world. The horizon had just unravelled. I steer up at the crystal clear sky, something caught the corner of my eye, I blink furiously as the bright light blinds my eyes.  
By Kylie

As the boiling light rips my flesh open I start to dehydrate so quickly it’s not funny. It’s so amazing. The crystal clear sky means I can see all 1,199,993,489,801 stars and all 1,000,000 satellites.
By Tom

Thursday, 3 May 2012


Room two has created a survey relating to bring back a 'Pie Day Friday' or just an ordered lunch to help fundraise for the end of year camp! Check out their blog to complete this short, easy and fun survey or simply follow this link: