Wednesday 25 April 2012

Lest We Forget!

We had such a beautiful and touching ANZAC ceremony under the flagpole on Tuesday morning! Room One paid tribute by creating mini poppies with heart felt messages, in the middle, to those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom! We put these onto a giant poppy, which contained a co-created class message to those who fought and continue to fight for all our different and shared nations. Room One are truly role-models in terms of how we show respect for others! This will be displayed in our classroom - feel free to pop in for a read!


  1. Room One, I thought that the poppy you created as amazing. It looked great but also had some very thoughtful comments on it too. Well done!

  2. Room 1, that is the best poppy I have ever seen. Very creative. Lovely message in the middle.
    Well done. Mr W
