Sunday, 19 February 2012

Week Three

Our first full week at school and what a busy week it has been! It seems that time just flies by! Congratulations to those who made the Top Schools Team (see homework for names) and to John, Jake and Chloe M who each received an award at assembly - you all deserve these!
Thank you to all the parents who came on Wednesday night - what a great turn out! If you couldn't make it and would like to know what is happening and coming up, either make a time with myself or check out our communication page.
Remember to put your name forward if you would like to be a Class Leader; I have had two students so far, and ideally would like one boy and one girl - just be aware I will be asking why you want it and how it could benefit the class and you!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Week One and Two

Wow what a exciting six days we have had together! It was so awesome getting to know you all and learning how you tick! Testing has been a focus in the last few days, as well as getting what we started finished. Room One has began exploring technology through BP Challenges (click for the link) - I am so proud of how everyone worked so well together and came up with some creative solutions to the set problems! It was obvious how much fun and educational these were! Building up our own classroom community has been set in motion and will continue and grow as we do. Keep up the fantastic standards you are setting Room One; as you all know, my expectations of you are high and you keep reaching the bar - KEEP IT UP!
Have a great weekend each and everyone of you and remember to check the communication page!